Fares Structure Development
Client: Sydney Metro, Jan - Apr 2009
The New South Wales Government in Australia is in the early stages of planning a metro for Sydney, to complement existing suburban rail services. Interfleet Technology was appointed to support the set-up of the metro, including the development of operating and commercial procedures; the Railway Consultancy was requested to assist with the latter.
The metro, whose initial phase is limited to the city centre, will both compete with car, bus and suburban rail, and function as a city-centre distributor for the two public transport modes. Using a combination of theoretical background and practical examples, The Railway Consultancy helped to design and test a range fares structures which met the objectives of the metro, including achieving high operating ratios (revenues: costs). We also advised on the potential absolute levels of fares and relevant technological solutions intended to maximize the cost-efficiency of retailing these products within a crowded urban rail environment. Assistance was also given to the development of key performance indicators which might be appropriate for the ongoing stimulation of best practice within the metro, when a contract is let for its operation.
Last updated: Wednesday, 21st March 2012
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