Developing Rail in the London Lee Valley
Client: L B Haringey & others, Dec 2001 - Mar 2002
The Lee Valley in North East London has been the subject of a number of regeneration initiatives, following the decline in its manufacturing base. With new jobs being created in Docklands and at Stansted Airport, public transport to and from the area became more important during the late 1990s. The local authorities each undertook a number of projects to help the national rail network, but the small scale of these and their fragmented nature limited their effectiveness.
The local authorities therefore formed a Lee Valley group to work together jointly. Led by the London Borough of Haringey, they commissioned The Railway Consultancy Ltd to assist with the identification, costing and analysis of a range of implementable developments on the rail network in the area. After liaison with the SRA, Railtrack, TfL and train operators, the Railway Consultancy put together a programme of minor works and service enhancements designed to maximise the overall impact on the operational railway as soon as possible. The largest portion of the available funding was directed towards accessibility improvements in the medium-term, since the majority of stations in the area require the use of many steps to the platform. However, improvements to station facilities (such as cctv and customer information systems) were made within months of the report's completion.
Last updated: Wednesday, 21st March 2012
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