Station Facilities Economic Assessment
Client: Greater Manchester PTE, April - July 2003
Although much attention is rightly paid to train services, passengers need to be able to access them. However, the quality of facilities at many of Britain's stations is poor, reflecting their Victorian age and inadequate maintenance expenditure.
Greater Manchester PTE (GMPTE) play a leading role in the development of local rail services in North West England, and are concerned about the state of many of the stations in their area. They therefore commissioned the Railway Consultancy Ltd to develop an economic framework for the assessment of facilities at stations, examining the benefit:cost ratios of improvements to access, waiting, car-parking and other facilities and their compliance with wider transport policy objectives for the area. As a specific case study, the Consultancy examined Greenfield, a commuter station on the main Manchester-Leeds line. Unfortunately, many of the possible station improvements did not appear worthwhile, given the numbers of passengers using the station, but we were able to recommend a number of enhancements.
As a result of our work, GMPTE announced in August 2004 that increased car-parking had been made available for passengers using the station, a partnership project made possible through cooperation with the local rugby club, whose ground is close by.
Last updated: Sunday, 18th December 2016
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