Station and platform management are key issues at stations such as Mongkok (Hong Kong)
In association with the Railway Technology Strategy Centre at Imperial College London, we have been carrying out benchmarking of metro railway performance since 1997. The CoMET and NOVA groups (of large and smaller metros respectively) contribute data, which enables the examination of key performance indicators, against which their performance can be judged (although of course the impact of local conditions also needs to be taken into account).
In addition, a number of case studies have been carried out, examining particular issues in greater detail. The Railway Consultancy has worked on studies in such areas as Station Management, Customer Service, Train Layout, and Inter-Running (between metros and mainline railways). These have lead to substantial improvements in metro performance, as best practice is shared around the world, with individual metros increasing their profits by many millions of pounds as a result. Passengers have also benefitted significantly, for example by the reduction of station stop times in New York.
Last updated: Sunday, 18th December 2016
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